
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Chief complaint:  A 45 yr old male from nalgonda was presented to opd with complaints of fever,vomiting and an episode of seziure History of present illness: Patient apprantely complaints of fever and chills History of past illness: Patient stopped working because of generalized weakness Personal history: Appetite-Normal Diet- mixed  Bowles- normal Micturaition-normal Habits- alcohol(weekly twice) Family history: No history of diabetes  No history of hypertension  No history of heart diseases  No history of cancer  No history  of TB Drug history: Patient is not allergic to any Known drug  Systemic examination  CVS: No Thrills  S1 S2 sounds heard  No cardiac murmurs  Respiratory system  Central portion of trachea  No dysponea  No wheezing  CNS: Level of consciousness-drowsy Speech -slurred Provisional diagnosis Altered sensorium 2° to hyponatremia/alcohol with drawal Investigations  CBP Serum Electrolytes  Blood urea Treatment   Inj.Pantop 40mg IV/OD Inj.zofer 40mg IV/SOS Inj.neomol 10