
Showing posts from September, 2021

Case history

 Date of admission : 06-09-2021 A 28 yr old male Patient of miryalaguda, came to our hospital with complaints of weakness and decreased urine output and got diagnosed as AKI HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: -Patient was asymptomatic till April -Patient had a history of weight loss since 1& 1/2 month  -Patient has decreased appetite and generalized itching  -Patient had undergone hemodialysis 4 times  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: -Patient has no history of pedal edema and SOB -No history of diabetes  -No history of hypertension  PERSONAL HISTORY : -Normal Appetite  -Bowel regular  -Micturition -Normal  -Patient was occasional alcoholic and non-smoker  FAMILY HISTORY: -No history of diabetes  -No history of hypertension  -No history of cancer  GENERAL EXAMINATION: -Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative  - No signs of cyanosis -No signs of Lymphadenopathy  -No signs of Clubbing  -No signs of interest VITALS: Temperature-afebrile  Pulse rate-92bpm Respiratory rate - normal  SYSTEMIC EX

Case history

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome . A 60 yr old female .patient presented to OPD with cheif complaint of pain in the lower back region (right side) since 2 years and shortness of breath since 1 year  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  patient was apperently a symptomatic when she noticed the pain in the lower back region  Pain gradually increased during the time and it is more while walking  Patient is undergoing dyalsis since 2 months weekly twice  History of  SOB since a year Patient complains of body pains   PAST HIST